Holidays 2021-07-14
The Storming of the Bastille, the ancient Egyptian New Year, nudity, pandemonium, the Grand Marnier liquor, tape measures, chimpanzees, sharks, and orcas: Bastille Day Festival of Wepet Renpet National Grand Marnier Day National Nude Day Pandemonium Day Shark Awareness Day Tape Measure Day World Chimpanzee Day World Orca Day There seems to be another Pandemonium Day on February 28th. (Pandemonium is another thing that you could argue shouldn't be celebrated.) On this date in 1789, the Bastille was stormed , a landmark event of the French Revolution . Today we celebrate animals that have things in common with humans. Sharks (at least some of them), orcas, and humans are all apex predators. And chimpanzees, orcas, and humans are considered among the smartest animals. Photo by NOAA on Unsplash