Holidays 2021-02-15

Observances today cover civil rights activist Daisy Gatson Bates, suffragette Susan B. Anthony, the scientist/philosopher Galileo Galilei, an ancient Roman festival, being single, gumdrops, butterscotch, the Canadian flag, presidents of the US, the ENIAC computer, and hippopotamuses:

Lupercalia was a Roman festival intended to deter evil spirits, purify cities/towns, and foster health and fertility.

Galileo Galilei was born on this date in 1564.

The USS Maine exploded and sank on this date in 1898, instigating the Spanish-American War.

Singles Awareness Day is, following Valentine's Day, a serious holiday for single people. St Skeletor's Day on the other hand is a farcical holiday for single people.

Let's end with those large, cantankerous mammals, the hippos.
Photo by Sofia Zubiria on Unsplash


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