A place to show some of the odd/weird stuff I run across, especially holidays.
Holidays 2021-03-22
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Holidays today are about sustainable freshwater resources, goofing off, drawing attention to the cruelty of seal hunts, feeling young even if you're not, and Bavarian crepes:
Though attracting attention to seal hunting was the main inspiration behind the International Day of the Seal, I'm going to provide a non-hunting seal picture.
As I've (more or less) successfully managed yet another trip around the sun, so lets discuss what happened. This should be similar to what I did in 2022 and 2023 , so if those bored you nearly comatose you should be warned that this will be more of the same. Photographic evidence that I exist. (Almost certainly not an AI generated image of a random old guy.) Health : It wouldn't be a year in review without a passing mention about my left knee. Although I don't recall it swelling up like it used to do, these days I'll sometimes get a fairly sharp pain if I bend it weirdly (which is harder to avoid than you'd think it would be). Still, I go jogging most mornings ... so how bad can the knee really be? I hurt my back this summer. I attribute this to stupidity. At Duke Farms we were cutting down (mostly invasive) plants that were tangling into or just very close to some of their fencing. Since we were cutting on both sides of the fence but were only collecting the debri...
Note : Superb Owl Sunday is the 2nd Sunday in February starting in 2023. Today is Superb Owl Sunday! It's a day to celebrate how superb owls are. (Apparently a football league has repositioned a couple letters as the inspiration for their championship game , but obviously this is of secondary importance to owls.) Most owls are the "night shift" of predatory birds, though it's not unheard of for some to be active in daylight. A Snowy Owl that's visited Central Park was definitely a superb owl. Here are a couple education owls residing at The Raptor Trust in central New Jersey. Red-morph Eastern Screech Owl - The Raptor Trust Barred Owl - The Raptor Trust A former bird rehabber a little further away, the Delaware Valley Raptor Center , also has superb owls living with them. Saw-whet Owl - Delaware Valley Raptor Center Great Horned Owl - Delaware Valley Raptor Center
Happy Prime Numbers Day! Prime numbers are quite possibly the favorite set of numbers in mathematics. They consist of natural numbers greater than 1 that are not a product of 2 or more smaller natural numbers. The table below shows the prime numbers less than 51. Interest in prime numbers goes back to ancient times. It's long been proven that there are an infinite number of prime numbers, for example. It's long been controversial whether the number 1 should be included in the primes. Though my initial instincts would be to include it, there are reasons to exclude it . If you want to pick a fight with a mathematician, refer to prime numbers in the past tense . We celebrate prime numbers today because the date can be represented as 11/13, the largest consecutive prime numbers that represent a valid date.
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