A place to show some of the odd/weird stuff I run across, especially holidays.
Holidays 2021-03-22
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Holidays today are about sustainable freshwater resources, goofing off, drawing attention to the cruelty of seal hunts, feeling young even if you're not, and Bavarian crepes:
Though attracting attention to seal hunting was the main inspiration behind the International Day of the Seal, I'm going to provide a non-hunting seal picture.
Another year, another boring summary of that year's trip around the sun. (For those struggling with insomnia, I have a series of these: 2024 , 2023 , 2022 .) Here's this year's picture, meant to suggest that it's been relatively cold here this winter. (I actually do dress like this on especially cold days; the key to staying warm is "layers, layers, layers".) Health : My knee and back continue to cause sporadic issues but they don't normally prevent me from doing much. I somehow managed to hurt my hip. I'm not sure how it happened; my best guesses are pulling stubborn weeds out of the ground or trying to open a sliding glass door that doesn't slide very well. On the bright side, staying away from the door and with no wintertime weed-pulling activities, the hip issue seems to have (temporarily?) gone away. As I'm wont to do, I got flu and COVID vaccinations in the autumn, and (thus far) I haven't gotten sick this season. (I do worry that thi...
Holidays today are about topics like tourism, abstaining from wearing pants, roast leg of lamb, the radio, the cosmopolitan cocktail, the home brewing of beer, tubas, and encouraging an interest in space: Communications Workers' Day aka Radio Day International Tuba Day National Cosmopolitan Day National Homebrew Day National Roast Leg of Lamb Day National Tourism Day No Pants Day Space Day Communications Workers' Day and Radio Day are names for a Russian holiday about the popularizing of radio in that country. Space Day was designed to foster an interest in space among the youth of the US. Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash
Note : Superb Owl Sunday is the 2nd Sunday in February starting in 2023. Today is Superb Owl Sunday! It's a day to celebrate how superb owls are. (Apparently a football league has repositioned a couple letters as the inspiration for their championship game , but obviously this is of secondary importance to owls.) Most owls are the "night shift" of predatory birds, though it's not unheard of for some to be active in daylight. A Snowy Owl that's visited Central Park was definitely a superb owl. Here are a couple education owls residing at The Raptor Trust in central New Jersey. Red-morph Eastern Screech Owl - The Raptor Trust Barred Owl - The Raptor Trust A former bird rehabber a little further away, the Delaware Valley Raptor Center , also has superb owls living with them. Saw-whet Owl - Delaware Valley Raptor Center Great Horned Owl - Delaware Valley Raptor Center
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