Holidays 2021-04-01

Today's observances are concerned with lupus, introducing children to reading for enjoyment/entertainment, the penny, tatting, an ancient Roman festival for the goddesses Venus/Fortuna, the Assyrian New Year, discouraging the burning of fossil fuels, a San Francisco parade celebrating stupidity, atheism, sourdough bread, and April Fools:

On Saint Stupid's Day, San Francisco has a parade celebrating the stupidity around us.

Tatting is making lacey items.

Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, a food culture expert who wrote The Physiology of Taste, is honored on today's Edible Book Day.

I'm not exactly sure why this is One Cent Day. On April 21, 1787 Congress authorized the coining of the first US penny, though I wasn't able to find a connection to April 1.
Image by Please Don't sell My Artwork AS IS from Pixabay


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