Holidays 2021-05-29

Observances today cover topics like promoting digestive health, United Nations peacekeepers, an unusual way of acquiring prosperity/fortune, a meal of coq au vin, paperclips, biscuits, the end of the Middle Ages, and learning about composting:
In olden times taking a piece of fabric from your bedroom and leaving it in your larder (aka pantry) was considered to foster good luck and prosperity. The modern rendition of this is leaving a pillow on your refrigerator.

"Coq au vin" is a French term for a meal of rooster with wine.

On this date in 1453 Constantiople fell to the Ottoman Empire, causing many of the scholars and intellectuals there to flee across Europe, eventually spawning the Renaissance and ending the Middle Ages.

Today is a day to learn to compost your biodegradable waste instead of throwing it in the trash.
Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay


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