Fractals Day - November 20

Happy Fractals Day!

Today is a day do celebrate fractals and the math (measure theory, chaos theory) underlying them. 

Fractals are fairly weird. If you zoom in on a fractal pattern far enough, you'll see a self-similar fractal pattern. And the length of any 2 points on a fractal pattern "curve" is, due to infinite smaller patterns, is infinite. Though they're an abstract notion, they do have some relationship to the natural and technological worlds.

We celebrate Fractals Day on November 20 because on this date in 1924 Benoit Mandelbrot, a fractal pioneer and the first person to use a computer to create fractal geometric images, was born.

By Created by Wolfgang Beyer with the program Ultra Fractal 3. - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


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