Newt Year's Day - January 1

Happy Newt Years Day! You may have a bunch of people wishing you a Happy Newt Year today, though many of them fail to pronounce the last "t" of "newt" [1]. Still, you have to give them credit for their enthusiasm about newts.

Newts are a set of semiaquatic salamanders, and thus are amphibians. Despite a superficial resemblance to lizards, they are much more closely related to frogs and toads. Check here to find out if your salamander buddy is also a newt.

Though I haven't taken a picture of a newt myself, I do have a picture of one of their salamander cousins. This Eastern Newt from iNaturalist shows just how photogenic they can be though.

July 19, 2011
Photo 249874612, (c) litt10, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

[1] Perhaps this is similar to Stephen Colbert, where the family doesn't pronounce the last "t" either.


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